If you are looking for a student credit card, Proper Finance can help. They are usually different from normal credit cards, as they tend to have a higher chance of accepting students than other cards, but may offer smaller credit limits and higher interest rates. We can help you find the best rates for credit cards for undergraduates, postgraduates, university students, college students and more.
Unlike other credit cards on the market, you do not necessarily need to have a regular income or full-time job in order to be approved. Your student loan is usually taken into account when determining your eligibility and how much you can borrow – and any other part-time jobs you may have on top. However, you will usually need to meet the following requirements:
Having a credit card, it allows you to use your plastic card to pay for things on-the-go around campus or if you are buying books, clothes or food. Importantly, it can give you some financial independence and real-life experience in terms of how you can organize your finances and get used to making payments on time. This will, in fact, help build up your credit rating and improve your chances of being accepted for future cards and loans in the future, with better rates and credit limits.
Student credit cards are a little more expensive given that young people have no credit score or limited credit history and income. The average APR is around 29%, so a little more than the average good credit card at around 18%, however introductory offers are usually available at 0% provided that you pay within the allocated timeframe.
Your credit limit is usually less than an employed person in their 20s. Student cards often carry lower credit limits and are calculated according to your student loan and any other part-time work or income that you have.
We aim to be as approachable as possible for our customers, and will always do our very best to assist you with any and all queries you may have concerning any part of our application process and more.
Our online application only takes minutes to complete, with decisions being made very quickly after this. A member of staff will contact you to help you proceed with the final steps.
Each and every one of the providers we work with are fully checked to ensure their reputability, their trustworthiness, and furthermore their competency in helping to provide you with the financial services you require.
The Proper Finance comparison site is free to use and there are no upfront fees for filling in our online application.
This will depend on whether you are able to pay off the balance in full each month. You will not incur interest if you pay on time and in full.
Could incur additional charges (such as fees for late payments or going over your credit limit). This will damage your credit record.
Yes, it is possible to do so, but many providers will charge you a fee for doing so.
Yes, even if these cards are aimed at students, credit card providers will still look at your credit file to determine eligibility, credit limit and the APR. If it is your first credit card, you will likely have no credit rating but if you have borrowed before and gone into arrears, this could affect your eligibility.
This will be set by the lender and will be based on your individual circumstances. Typically, credit limits are lower on student credit cards than other kinds available.
You need to consider what you would want the credit card for. For example, if it is to be primarily used to borrow cash, look for a card that has the lowest APR or 0% period available on it. If you are not using it for this reason, look for a card with a higher credit limit or better features.
Yes it is possible, and these are known as 0% balance transfer cards. However, many student credit cards do not offer this option to customers.
Yes, all providers give customers protection on their own schemes.
We work with trusted brokers to give you access to a panel of leading lenders well placed to meet your needs at the lowest rates.